Insane indian action movie
Insane indian action movie

insane indian action movie

Bloodstone has plenty of sneaking around and some underwhelming fight scenes.

insane indian action movie

Still, the script seems to hold him back. No one particularly stands out, but in this genre that is acceptable.Ī great example is Rajinikanth himself. The villains are delightfully over the top and the heroes are perfectly serviceable.

#Insane indian action movie movie#

The finale is actually a fine action scene in a movie that seems to prefer to shy away from them. This is especially disappointing since the movie shows flashes of something more exciting.

insane indian action movie

There is a neat scene involving a rope bridge on fire and Rajinikanth gets some cool cliched 80s action lines, but otherwise the story is an off brand Indiana Jones. That does not mean that it is bad, but there is little that will draw attention. Bloodstone is an otherwise generic action film. The movie is only able to become as good as it does because of Rajinikanth. He effortlessly steals every scene he is in. He is a bona fide legend whose charisma elevates Bloodstone. Rajinikanth lives up to his Superstar nickname. An American couple, a small time crook, a bumbling inspector, and a taxi driver all become entangled in the mystery of the stone. Bloodstone is an Indian-American production released in 1988. They fit into the landscape of 1980’s cinema perfectly. Epic horse slides, wile shoot outs, and spectacular chase scenes are just a part of what they have to offer. Bollywood action movies are filled with some of the most insane action scenes of all time.

Insane indian action movie